the fields in the top left of that pic, seem a lot greener to me, , not sure how accurate the pic is to current conditions, but I would be hunting near the greenest firld there is, its better food for deer and deeer will know it, unl;ess there is standing corn or soybeans, then I'd be close to them for sure in the evenings and then a little farther back in mornings! catching them going back to bed for the day!

gun hunting pressure can some times be a good thing on private lands, or public, as all the people push deer about making for possible action all day long, where as many times deer only feed at night or early morning and then again at just dusk, learning how to get behind all them people is key, use them to push deer to you
good luck , glad your having fun with hunting

also, on the treestand, make sure you don't keep the twop too tight together when climbing with the link between them, make sure they can work well, and even once at the height your going to stay at, pulling up on the bottom can take presure off what holds it to the tree, so be safe when using, and let somoen know where your going too and when you will be back
I used to keep a map, and put a tac in where I was that evening and leave it in my truck, so if anyoen came a looking they would have a jump start LOl