OK first off, I am from PA, but think its the same in any state, First off you have to pass a hunter ed course to LEGALLY hunt in any state
so till you do that I do NOT think you can legally hunt in Ohio
so check into that with calling Ohio DCNR or the local game warden
next to help find a hunting partner, again you can try asking the local game warden if he know's anyone that mentors hunters, if NOT, ask at the Hunter ed course, odds are they will KNOW people that do
if NOT, try going to some local Bow shops and asking for help there, post a add if they have a bulletin board there, or even local gun shops
can try joining a bow league, many I assume will allow X bows, and not just compounds and likes
plus you will learn a lot about shooting if you do this
next, before you hunt, you need to be efecient with your weapon, that means hitting where you aim, all the time, not some of the time, practite alot all season /yr long! more the better, BUT watch for string wear, X bows can chew up a string fast, as they hold a LOT of power, and there design isn't that great for string wear!
but you need to shoot to learn how it all works, and keep shooting to keep your edge
as for broadhead/tips, well, make sure you stick to same weight tips for practice as well s for hunting, as in 100 grain or 125 grain or 150 grain, make sure the match
second, everyone will tell you what brand is best, truth be told, all modern heads are fine, the key in any hunting head is just this, it has to be sharp, and has to go where you want it, when you want it
most folks and all the latest rage is, mechanical heads
and I too use them, I use 125 grain RAGE crossbow heads for hunting, thye fly just like my field tips, and they are pretty well liked in the hunting world, meaning they been tested and work more than they don't if you do your part, putting it where it needs be
NO head will kill being put in a bad spot on a deer, don't believe any hype, you have to hit and cut a vital organ to kill a deer,
practice with a broadhead too, to mke sure what ever you use fly's the same as your target tips, many folks skip this part
BUT remember that if you do this, you will dull the blades, so a great idea to swap out blades for new one's before hunting with them
the crappy cheap so called fake broadheads that come with Rages do NOT fly the same, as in many other brands, why they do this is beyond me!, cheap on there part I guess!

as for equipment, well the sky is the limit here, all you need to kill deer is this, move slow, pay attention, and hunt where deer are
camo helps, but personally its more in how it makes a hunter feel, than really needed, millions of folks killed eer before there was camo so?/
But blending in never hurts, buy cloths that are quiet. better to be quiet than camo'd any day of the week if you ask me
scentt control
here again the sky and how dedicated you are is the only limit
things I suggest, and do, I shower with so called scent free shampoo, use so called scent free deoderant
I wash all my hunting clothes in scent free laundry detergent, and ALWAYS wash the washer in one cycle first to clear out any scent from other detergents first, same with the dryer, I use scent free dryer sheets and run a dryer sheet in dryer for 20 minutes before adding my hunting clothes with a fresh dryer sheet
next I store all my hunting clothes in scent free plastic totes(like 30-36 gallon totes, I wash good with baking soda and let air dry before adding clothes)
I never wear my hunting clothes for anything but hunting, I wear clothes washed in scent free detergent, and then at hunting site change into hunting gear before hunting, and then off again for ride home
that is my scent control, been very happy doing this for 20+ yrs
not what every one does, but an idea
I also use the so called human scent sprays, I spray down before walking into a stand too, forgot to add above!
things many forget I think, hunting boots shoul;d be seperate from work boots, same as with , NOT pumping gas in hunting boots or just that, gas sticks to you like glue, so avoid that before hunting if you can same with a hat, its many times the little things that burn you

as for reading sign, well thats a skill that comes from time spent in the woods if you ask me, all things like tracks, rubs scrapes and likes tell you deer where there, but learning when they were there and why, comes with experience
hunting near food is normally a help, as deer eat, but many eat at night, so a little farther back is normally better, unl;ess you have low pressured deer, that feed in food plots in daylight
best of luck hope this helped some
if you have any questions feel free to ask, be glad to help if I could