I also don't hunt by the wind, far too many times I have killed eer on so called wrong winds for a stand
I worry a lot more about scent control, and getting in and out of a setup, without being seen
most folks hunt where deer smell humans all the time, so I think they are less sensitive to human scent, that deer in big mature woods, where human scent isn't very often there
when possible I will try to hunt with a wind working with me, but if a spot is hot, I will hunt that over a different area with less action any day of the week
to me a hot stand is a higher odds hunt no matter the wind, of you do good scent control that is
I seldom get busted, and I have deer near me most sits down wind up wind and all over me, and I feel I am doing a good job, so what I do works for me
we all learn what we feel is working or not as time passes