my backyard in NE PA, I typically get about 7-8 different bears here , on a regular basis most of the yr
had one small male that was here till jan of this yr, then denned up for 7 weeks and was back, ,
I have a LOT of bear experience, I used to help trap and tag them, and known a LOT of folks that , sadly used to try and make them more tame than wild, feeding them heavy, SO, I learned a lot about bears over the past 30+ yrs
cannot tell you how many wild bears over the yrs I have had within say 10 ft of me, has to be in the hundreds! LOL

from cubs to injured to BIG and old , Largest I am sure of, was a male that was weighted in spring at 776 lbs alive, coming out of hibernation, making him an honest 850+ lbs live bear come fall!,figuring what he would loose over winter time!
he ate out of my hands too LOL
But sadly got hit by a car, crossing a 4 lane road by a 70+ yr old woman, who said she didn't see it!
it couldn't run, it used to waddle about, slow as a snail, and she couldn't see it, sunny day middle of the day! in the passing lane when she hit it>
was aged at 16 yrs of age, and again, 776 lbs on the scale dead!
have some video of him alive, but no way to post it, as its on VHS< if you remember that stuff LOL