great board here.....a few things I want to add to the already great ideas and great knowledge.....

most important thing to remember when you realize your lost...RELAX....understand that things are not anywhere near like you see on TV. Usually when people get to that point of knowing they are lost, they panic and walk/run as fast as they can to get out.....1st thing you want to do is depending on the time, is get fire and get it NOW. Fire serves several purposes..signal smoke,boiling water, cooking food, and keeping the animals away from you as you sleep..or attempt to sleep.....

before you start fire, make sure you have enough wood to get by, then collect a BUNCH more....soon as you have firewood and a fire....get it going, big as you can handle..chances are someone will see it...and if not, at least you have a good start to keeping your peace all night long.....

I cannot stress enough that relaxing is the key to getting by alive and in good shape physically and mentally.....your brain is your biggest tool and also your worst enemy...your mind tends to think worst case scenario when you need to be thinking best case but prepare for worst.....

I dont have any stats but I read somewhere that in the rocky mountains, like 98% of people that get lost and need help usually are rescued within 24 at most, in the rockys, you will need to stay 1 night....I am sure in Ohio or PA things will be alot easier.

When I take my kids or wife out and attempt at getting lost, the 1st thing my wife does is start going into panic mode....she dont flip out but she starts thinking the son can get her out of most situations just because he can calm her down....stay clam, use your brain and relax. most all of us could use a good night in the woods away from civilization.