Well good luck motf. I got to the woods plenty early this morning, lasted down a lil scent and went to climb in the treestand that has been there for a good 15 years... wait, where's the stand, I know its right here I've only sat in it a million times, where did it go??? Yeah that was how my morning started! Come to find out that someone had driven an ATV into my uncles woods cut his treestand canopy and ladder stand down and hauled it off! Well these dumb m-f-ers weren't smart enough to think that their ATV would leave tracks in the freshly plowed bean field. We were able to track them into the stand and back out, out along the edge of the field for about 400 yards and back into his neighbors woods. Got about 30 years in the woods and lost tracks. These worthless pos sum b*tches really piss me off! No one had permission to be in my uncles or his one neighbors woods, they know exactly where they were going and what they were getting. Like I said this stand has been there since I was a teenager and was a great stand to hunt. Prolly some heroin heads that needed their next fix...or maybe meth heads!