congrats ton you on a fine buck,
and glad to see someone on the site score already too LOL

I think decoys are like this, when they work, THEY WORK, but when they don't they are a pain in the butt to carry in and all that goes with keeping one LOL

I personally have had more BAD luck with them than good, so I gave up using them and sold all of mine HAHA!

killed tons of deer without them and only a couple with, and the biggest buck I ever had a chance at, got scared off on a decoy I had out, was coming in on a string and then seen decoy froze up, got into a staring match with decoy for about 15 minutes
and then I swear , it figured out it was fake and did a 180 and left
to this day I swear had that decoy been home, I would have had that buck, a 180+ deer to boot
and had a few other like encounters
decoy was a small 6 point rack, and all the deer were MUCH bigger, NO reason to be scared, OTHER then they figured out decoy was just that LOL

if you have faith in them, all they can do maybe is help you stay in the stand or hunt more
so that side I say is a plus
and again, when they work, they work?