Dropping a co-worker off at the Cleveland Airport last week, about 7:30 a.m. Was on Turnpike Westbound, and I often see deer on the right side of the turnpike between 77 and 71 so always looking. He was talking as I was starting to veer onto the off ramp of 71, I saw something big and brown, but knew it was too big to be a deer, as we got closer and started to make the turn, there were two BIG bucks, locked up. Forehead to Forehead, just standing there. Have never seen this other than on TV. If I didn't have to get to the airport, and was by myself, I would have stopped. They were huge bodied deer and with the tangle mess of antlers there was no telling how many points but both had tremendous Mass. I sure hope they got unstuck, would be a shame for one or both to go that way. I'll never forget that sighting.