Toke2 - Yep I hunted the winds and surprisingly saw some deer. I missed one afternoon due to the winds. That day it was a little much for me. Ended up passing on a small doe Monday morning and Saturday morning I had a doe come it but she never gave me a good shot. She took two big steps through my only shooting lane after feeding just shy of it for 10 minutes. I didn't count on that and couldn't get the bow drawn. That is most likely the end of my archery hunting until the late season. Hopefully I get lucky with 6.5 days to hunt of the 12 days of PA rifle season. The weather last week was the worst I have hunted in, in a long long time sustained crappy weather day after day. If it wasn't heavy rain it was heavy winds, and heavy winds with white out conditions were seeing 20 yards was tough. It was a long wet week. We only had 2 dry days out of 6 hunting days. I think better weather would have resulted in better hunting and deer sightings.