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Thread: Opening Day Is Here!!!!!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Dover, Ohio, Tuscarawas County
    I will be heading back out Monday evening.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dover, Ohio, Tuscarawas County
    So, I go out to my one spot this evening and 50 yards away is a ground blind facing my corn pile. I had just refreshed the pile around noon and the blind was not there. It is right on the edge of an adjoining property. I don't have permission to hunt that property but I do have permission to access it. I'm sure I know who put the blind there but I can't say anything. One thing is I am the only one hunting on this property and no one has permission to access it either. Anyways, on the hunt a fawn came through a few minutes after 6. About 10 minutes later I hear this dog barking and it chases a big doe right by my stand. Then the dog decides to hang out by my stand for about 5 minutes. I then hear a 4 wheeler up by the property line and some guy yells at the dog and says get up here, you know better than that. I then saw 3 coons about 6:45 and that was the last of it until I got down. Needless to say it was a frustrating evening.
    Last edited by ManOfTheFall; 09-29-2015 at 12:26 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member zachc's Avatar
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    Clermont county, OH
    Sounds like you had a wonderful day, lol! I think I might have let that dog eat, if you know what I mean. There's not to many things that p*ss me off more than dogs and 4 wheelers while I'm deer hunting! But hey at least you saw a deer, lol. Do you have a stand set up over the corn pile?
    I live life at full draw....

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Dover, Ohio, Tuscarawas County
    Yes, I have a stand by the corn pile. This stand has been there since 2009 and I've been keeping it fresh since then. The person I believe that put the ground blind up knows this is my spot and has been for several years. I have never encroached on his good spots that's close to the line we have always been civil. If I see him out there anytime I will ask him about it. Other than that I will just have to deal with it. He could have at least faced his blind away from the corn. He has a major trail going right past his blind. But no, he faces it towards the corn.

  5. #5
    Senior Member zachc's Avatar
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    Clermont county, OH
    That's crazy, just shows how considerate some people are Ay. Is it the landowner who has the blind? To be honest, if its not, it may be worth talking to the landowner (if you guys are on good terms like that) and asking him if he wouldn't mind having the guy move be it. But if you're not, I filly understand where you're coming from.
    I live life at full draw....

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Dover, Ohio, Tuscarawas County
    No, it's not the land owner. He allows 2 guys on his property and I'm sure I know which one it is.

  7. #7
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    I hate slob hunters that use your hard work to benefit them , its always been one thing that pisses me off
    I had that problem but ten times it, as I had about 10-20 guys a yr sneaking in to hunt my food plots, over thge 20 yrs or so I had them there I must have collected about 50 treestands, I always left a note on how to get em back, and left it saying IF they do, expect to be arrested for trespassing! LOL
    that and when your set up and some moron decides to climb a tree right next to you, or sit with in a few yards of you/ and they always seem to show up at prime time, when your expecting deer and they just ruin the hunt\

    MY clasic encounter here was once on State land I hiked up a long mountain, left 2+ hrs before sunricse to get there long before it and have time for things to settle down
    was about 5 mile walk UP hill
    there was a large rock on the top, that offered a awesome view, was my planed spot
    at about 20 minutes after sun rise I see this orange dot walking towards me, and I KNOW ot seen me, as I too was in all orange ona BIG bolder on the top of a mt
    well guy just keeps coming right at me, stoppoing every 5 minutes to ?? or light up a smoke>??

    then he gets right to me, and says this

    HOW about we sit back to back
    you watch the front and I'll watch the back side??
    MAN I wish I could shoot people!
    I was like WTF< buddy, you just ruined my morning hunt, and now you want to sit next to me and hunt this way???
    SO, on that I made the 5 mile walk back down the MT pissed off and left for the day!
    I don't know what people be thinking
    I prefer to hunt ALONE, and do my best to see I don't encounter others, or hunt there spots
    seem's like common respect
    a quality I guess too many don't have!

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