yes even the small one's ahev some un real strength, and come with 20 claws and big teeth LOL

BUt like I said many time,s most bears never let you get too close to them, and are LONG gone before you even know ther were there!
HERE in my area, guys like me that spend a LOT of time in the yard and proiperty and well, having food plots so many fruit tree's and just food almost yr round bears here get to know people better maybe, MAYBE
they seem to adjust to us and can tell us apart from smell and sight, and since as the yrs go by we don't bother them really, they seem more OK about us in certian yards and such, and will let you get closer, or they will just come closer to you
NO danger really, they just don't feel the need to run I guess
some will even walk up to me and let me pet them LOL
spooky I bet for flks that don't have much time about them, but to me, I don't even think much about it these days
I never will say I trust them a 100%, but I don't fear them I respect them and don't give them reasons to do anything bad! or startle them, and siuch
been 35+ yrs of this here and never an issue
wildlife can adapt to humans I think better than many humans can adapt to them!
also there is a BIGH differnce to walking up to a random bear than one's like I get here in the yard, that I have history with LOL
any wild bear in the wild that is trying to get close to you , isn't a good thing LOL

but again, thats a pretty rare deal!