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Thread: America has gone soft!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member zachc's Avatar
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    Clermont county, OH
    I know that was a lot to read and if you don't read it all you should at least read the first 2 paragraphs.
    I live life at full draw....

  2. #2
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    northeast PA
    I am a firm believer in that JAIL SHOULD BE a PLACE NO one wants to go, inmates should be treated with a strong hand, put to work and WORK there ass's off while serving time, they should eb PAYING back the punblic for there crimes
    NOT treated like guest in a hotel with 3 meals a day, TV< Movies, getting an education ON the TAX payers dime
    its IMO the FACT repeat inmates DON"T MIND doing time in these jails, that IS part of WHY they keep doing crime
    the fear of JAIL isn't what it once was!
    YES yrs back when jails were meaner to inmates WE STILL had crime

    BUT at least they endured more for there punishment, which I am all for!

    the fact most jail crimes DON"T make TV, to me is a double edge sword, as I THINK far too many morons are impressionable by what they see on TV, and more likely to do something cause they seen it on TV
    local news crews in my area are like cysts on society, they cannot wait for someone to suffer so they can blab about it on TV
    Like YRS ago when they called some Lawyers Ambulance chasers, as they were just waiting for someone to get hurt, so they could sue to make a profit off someone's bad luck or??
    this practice was one frowned on, and now its glorified??

    I fully agree, people want human treatment of people that do wrong UNTIL it happens to them, then all of a sudden, things change and views alter!
    the two biggest motivators in the world are FEAR and MONEY!
    like it or not, its facts

    when criminals don't fear getting put in jail they take bigger risks
    and in todays world of EVERYTHING on video and TV
    more morons want to join the ranks of getting head doing wrong!

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