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Thread: America has gone soft!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member zachc's Avatar
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    America has gone soft!

    Ok guys and gals, I'm watching the news and I have to ask, When is enough enough? It seems like every night I watch the news I hear another case of a parent (mother and/or father) killing or seriously hurting their kids. Well that's besides all of the shootings that take place every day. Now I may or may not work in the law enforcement field but I can tell you for a FACT that these "adults" that are doing this, are not living hard in Ohio prisons! Don't get me wrong, I am very proud to be an American and served in the USMC but wow American government when is enough enough! Stop "sentencing" these people to a life of ease in prison (Ohio), hold them accountable for their actions! If you ask me I am all about an eye for an eye. These people want to stab, beat, drown their kids, well here it comes right back at you! Instead they sentence them to life in prison...where they get TVs, more programs than you can imagine, 3 hot meals a day, FREE utilities, phone calls and visits, and if they want illegal drugs and cell phones and weapons, "rights" to certain things (x amount of showers a week, x amount of recreation time a week, and the list goes on), no accountability if they don't get a job while they're incarcerated they still get paid money from the state to buy "hygiene items", oh yeah now they get emails, and they can video visit (like Skype), miniature tablets, send and receive video messages, the same food we buy but cheaper, video games (limited hand held/TV hook up type), etc. I don't know about you but if I don't work I don't get any of that stuff. All of the things that I just mentioned are all literally what Ohio inmates receive! Look into it. Murders, rapists, child molesters, doesn't matter. Now aside from getting in the occassional fight here and there does that really seem like a hard life? There is so much that goes on behind prison walls that the public is unaware of that its CRAZY. The only thing the public usually sees is when law enforcement in general uses "excessive force" but when inmates assault the law enforcement officers when do you hear about that? Very very rarely! Don't get me wrong, there is a fine line between excessive force and enough force used to control the situation and wrong is wrong regardless. So anyways, if your still reading this post, lol, thats my rant and rave. As long as the government, state or country, keeps treating these people so humanely (because they treated their victims so humanely right?) and not really punishing them and holding them accountable for their actions, people in society are going to continue to do these kind of things. Come on people let's just call a spade a spade... Ok know I feel a little better!
    Last edited by zachc; 03-23-2015 at 12:00 AM.
    I live life at full draw....

  2. #2
    Senior Member Big_Holla's Avatar
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    Oh Lord don't get me started on this....

  3. #3
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    I fully agree the whole world is off FAR off from what common sense shoudl make simple!
    THE good OLD USA< is the only Country that has an over populated death row??
    HUMM< lets see, average death row inmate(last I seen data) costs like 90K a yr to keep! THAT"S for each one , and there are thousands of them, , ON DEATH ROW waiting to be killed for there crimes, they were found GUILTY of in OUR legal ssystem we use for all THINGS!
    LOGIC says there is a simple solution to this problem, and ITS NOT letting them out, or giving them lower punishments to place them else where!

    I don't care what ANYONE wants to tell me about HOW fear doesn't prevent things from happening, thats all tree hugging crap in my eye's
    TWO things motivate humans in todays world, FEAR and MONEY
    make folks fear something and 99% WON"T do it, PAY enouigh money and people will do about any thing!

    we NOW live in a world where the guilty have too many rights, too many repeat criminals don't FEAR the legal system, or the punishments given, to STOP doing them! they figured it out, JAIL isn't that bad!
    people ion Jail live better than , SADLY than many elders on fixed incomes, that never did a crime in there life and never did anything but work and can barely get by in the USA!
    VETS come o=home and are on the streets, when INMATES get top line heath care on the tax payers dollars
    its BULLCRAP
    and sadly I never see it changing
    NOT enought Americans will ever stand together anymore, its all WAY too much about ME today than others!
    it starts at the leaders of this country
    just think about it, WHO in there right MIND< spends more money to get elected, than the job pays!
    if that doesns't say corrupt, what does!
    any Goverment official that says they do the job to HELP the people, well, why don't they then do the job for free?
    as they already spent so much to get the job they will never get back, and as such DON"T need the money the job pays
    IF they are so called doing it for the country, do it, , let some hard working tax payers get a break!

    yes this subjest is a hot one for I bet a LOT of americans

    last, I think people should have to take parenting classes BY LAW if they want kids today!
    cause kids today(NOT ALL)< seem to be lacking, and if the future is ever going to change, it needs to be with KIDS to learn as kids right and wrong! to better the next generations!

  4. #4
    Senior Member zachc's Avatar
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    You're absolutely right mrbb, those that are breaking the law do not fear or care about the law and for good reason. A large majority of the Ohio prison system is taken up not by murders but by drug dealers and people who are shooting at others...mostly between 18-25! They break the law and are only sentenced to 3-5 years, thwy make it to prison and already know a bunch of people there. They do their lil time and get out, go back to hanging around the same people they were before, can't get a job because they have a felony on their record, so whats a quick way to get money...sell more drugs or rob people with a gun. And the cycle starts all over!! And instead of the state giving them a whole lot of time they just give them another 3-5 years, big deal, I've already told you how today's Ohio prisons are run! You would be surprised about how many people walk off the bus into a prison, see their "dudes" that are already locked up, hug and "shake" hands and are happy to see each other. Its like they are saying "yeah man I finally made it to prison, now I'm somebody!" I don't know about you but if, heaven forbid cuz it can happen to anyone in reality, I had to go to prison and I saw someone come in after me that I knew I would slap them in the face and say what the hell man! It seems like the state is taking no progressive steps towards rehabilitating these people. And another thing I can tell you, the state will do about anything for a dollar. Any program that we can get money from, sure we'll put it into the prisons. Do we care if it brings in several different "civilians" in and out of the prisons...nope! They would never bring any contraband in right, hahaha. And man you wouldn't believe the amount of these "programs" that are running, just another way inmates can pass contraband from one person to the next. Anyways I'll leave it at that for now...
    I live life at full draw....

  5. #5
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    zachc, your right too, ONLY its not just in Ohio, its a across the USA this crap in prisions
    the lure of easy money is hard for so many to pass up, 1,000 % mark up on illegal drugs is mad money in short order
    BUT It always makes me wonder
    who is buying all these drugs, as we can all blame the dryg dealers
    BUT there wouldn't be so many dealers IF so many folks didn't want the drugs
    I personally never have even once tried an illegal drug, and honestly have no desire to, or feel a need to, I have enough issues NOT on any drugs LOL
    my wld sides has been way out there all my life couldn't imagine what would happen if I crossed that line too LOL

    BUT all the crime we have to me is a percentage game based on human populations
    if we had say 18% crime, 50 yrs ago, we had "X" amount of folks going to jails daily, NOW we have a population od a SO many more people, we still might ONLY have the same :X18% pf folks, just the 18% now is a LOT more people. again due to just more people in the world
    and it makes things seem like there are SO many more bad folks, when MYABE its just there are more people in total, and the same % of bad ones
    I can surely agree the system we have isn't slowing the numbers down IMO, and with the economy failing as much, I think % will ONLY get higher NOT lower, as folks that canbnot afford things are out of options , tend to break rules to get by more often!

    NO one likes to hear this, BUT what has always helped curb things through out time has been LARGE wars with LARGE Numbers of folks dying!
    sure I agree NO one wants to die, or see l.oved one die
    BUT for generations war was what kept many things in spec, and also, after every war, and I mean war not conflict(yes folks die in the recent conflicts BUT not on the level big wars did)
    after every BIG war the whole world advanced and econmy's boosted
    50 yurs + without a major war, and what's happened the world wide web, cell phones?? park assist in cars??
    sure good things, BUT look at all the bad, the whole world is in debt, billions living below poverty levels, and more every day!
    polution at rates we never seen and resourses being used faster than ever
    I'm not promoting war here, I'm just saying histpry has show things that happened after wars, that cannot be changed!

  6. #6
    Senior Member zachc's Avatar
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    Very true mrbb! These damn people stop supporting the drug dealers, drug dealers will have to find other ways to make money. Granted that may be another way of breaking the law but maybe just maybe they would do something legal, lol. If smoking pot (and using other drugs) wasn't glorified by TV and music and media, then I think it wouldn't be the "cool" thing to do. Like you I have also never used illegal drugs, despite being around them a fair bit when I was in high school, at several big concerts, etc. Just never had the desire I guess. And especially don't now that I have a few kiddos and a blessed life to live.

    One more thing, I forgot to bring up...prison only makes you a criminal! Think about it, you go to prison for a couple years for...whatever...your family and friends don't send you any money. Well you need to buy hygiene, envelopes for writing letters home, food, etc. Well you have no money so how are you gonna buy the stuff you need, well you are either gonna come up with a hustle (running a store out of your cell, shooting tattoos which is against the rules, selling various things like drawings or things you make, basically anything that you can do for "money" that others need, all of which are also against the rules of the prison) or you are going to steal or rob or beat up someone else to get what you need. On the flip side to that, there is actually a lot of wasted talent floating around the prison system. Some of these guys can really shoot good tattoos, draw and paint like no others, and come up with ideals to do different things (some may call it jerry riggin, lol) that its crazy. Its a shame that instead of using these skills and making an honest living, they would rather make poor choices and waste years or the rest of their lives in prison...
    I live life at full draw....

  7. #7
    These inmates live better than I do at times. When my money gets funny I don't get 3 hot meals a day and recreational time. I can't get a free college degree. I'm paying out the butt for student loans bc I ran out of money to complete my degree. They do need to make prison a place you'd rather die than go to. America is definitely soft bc people wanna be politically correct. It's like ole Hank Wiallams Jr said, "the preacher man said it's the ends of time."

  8. #8
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    I think part of the problem today is lack of pride in one's self
    as if you don't care about Owning anything and want to live off hand outs, you can get a LOT of free things, from grants to health care to housing to food to even MONEY

    But the KEY here is you must not have pride to want your OWN things, as to qualify for many things you must have zero property more or less, NO bank accounts no savings
    and MOST HONEST hard working adults WANT to have things they EARNED !
    and as such that makes them NOT qualify for a lot of the things , many system abusers are willing to live without
    and its created a LOT of people that don't have shame no more or pride in being able to say they GOT what they GOT from working for it
    a HUGE shift in the way people view life any more
    way too many want the easy hand out over earning anything any more IMO

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