Thanks, but weather is getting worse, more sleet last night, so more ice, then turned into snow, got . 4 or 5. More inches, and calling for a big drop in temps, and its been in the 20's for high's now. So single digit and below there saying for day time highs, for next 5 days or more, losal weatherman says for next 15 days, he see's no warm ups.
So, going to be hard on deer and critters here for sure.
other places have it worse, many places up the coast I seen got 60 inches of snow in the past few weeks, crazy. From no snow, to a lot in short time period. I like snow too, just rather it come a little at a time LOL iys the below 20 degree's temps that I can do without, never mind single digits, they just suck ?
and ice , man nothing you can do with it when it stays so cold, deer and hoofs, and ice?? Never work well