In the deer world there is never a one size fits all. it is always where are you calling deer, have they been pressured, have they heard every call in the book, and are they in the mood. IT would not hurt to blind call once in a while now but don't sound like a spring turkey caller. If you do call one in watch his reaction to the call positive or negative. I like to play them like a spring Gobbler and as long as they are coming in become silent and let him come closer to find the other buck. If he starts to leave I turn my head away from him and call softly to make him think the buck moved or was farther then he thought. also on Sun. morning I saw a 6pt buck I didn't want to shoot so I decided to call to him and used my buck Roar call of a bigger buck and he ran off in a split sec. so it depends also on how big a buck you want to shoot or just any buck. If a buck is hot on a doe he already knows where the doe is and could care less about another buck unless he sees it. Don't ever be afraid to try a call just don't over do it or expect it to be a cure all for bagging a buck. it ends up being a hit or miss situation.