I honestly tend NOT to watch them, just never found many shows to be what REAL hunting is like for most folks!
but seems like there are so many shows out there these days, and SOMEONE must be watching them to keep them in business

do most hunters these days really buy into what they be a saying I guess is my question??

and I also agree, the best time to hunt is when you have the time
heck with the wind the weather or rut non rut??
I've killed deer in every kind of weather there is and some days wearing cloths I just worked in(due to no time to change)
many folks over think things I guess?

OR due to these TV shows think they have to have"X" to hunt!
Sad in my book!
hunting USED to be all about fun, and personal challanges
now its about fame/size and selling crap!, or thats all TV shows seem to push