well drove past my local chemical company, they have a fenced in area of about 35 acre's and a group of deer live inside the fence,
always a big buck or two inside(locals are always cuttig holes in teh fence trying to get them out LOL)
you can almost always see them in there as its mostly field, kinda feel bad for the deer, not much food or cover really, just crappy hay!, and , again , its a chemical company, they make chemicals, so run off I guess is iffy at best! for water??

well today at 1 pm, drive by, and a very nice 140's class 8 pointer was standing with about 8 doe, and walking about them like he was king of the herd, forgot my camera?

I pulled over and watched him for about 15 minutes
he never tried to mount any, or really smell them over, just stood over them.

so the rut up here I don't think is ON< but its NOT far off either!