well I know I am the odd man here
but I many many times hunted NO matter what wind I had due to a stand was hot
and I have killed several of my biggest bucks, on WRONG winds for that stand, I killed them out of

as a fact, when I hunted my fav place in Ohio
it was one a stand property
I hunted that same stand for 7-10 days straight many times!
and normally had bucks under my stand daily, and had many BIG 150+ bucks show up from places wind , or what many would say wind
wouldn't have allowed them, or they wouldn't have hunted that set up?
I hunted this place for 10+ yrs too, so wasn't a fluke ,one time deal

when a stand is in a GREAT place, or in a HOT spot deer are using RIGHT now!
to me, is the time to be in that stand, hell with the wind
NOT saying don't hunt other places if you have many days to hunt and can save a spot for better winds!
just saying if you only have limited time and stands(or just good stand locations) as having 25 treestanda and all being in low odds places isn't any real help LOL
I simply say,

do GOOD scent control, and HUNT!!

I've killed well over a 100+ deer too
so I'm not a rookie at killing deer and a bow hunter for over 30 yrs
before all the gadgets and scents came out! and killed deer my first yr bowing and almost a few every yr since!
and I still use almost teh exact same scent control I did when I started hunting
was extra careful back then and still think that many can do as well IF they wanted!
many hunters do a lot of things I would never do, before going into the woods
and thus, why many I think fear the wind so much!