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Thread: Sighting

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2014
    Went out opening day, sat for hours and only saw a dozen turkey and some ducks. Heading home, not more than half a mile from where I was saw 7 doe 40 yards from the road. All pretty small. Coming home from my daughters soccer practice last night saw a nice sized doe about 100 yards off a busy road behind an old abandoned farm house. Taking next Wednesday off, hoping to get lucky with some pre-rut activity.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dover, Ohio, Tuscarawas County
    I know this is a sighting thread but: Well guys, it doesn't happen often but tonight I didn't see a single deer. Hopefully things will pick up real soon here. My last night of work is Friday then I will be a hunting machine for the next 3 weeks. I will be going back out to the stand by the bedding area Saturday evening. I'm going to try a little rattling and grunting. I also made those 2 mock scrapes out there and put a camera on one of them. I will check the camera SD card after I get home from the hunt. I will let you all know how it goes. Good luck to you all!!!!!

  3. #3
    Saw a 6pt. with a doe going into stand Sat. evening along a fence row. at about 5:45pm I heard a deer walking in water behind me. turned and saw a big doe wading in water up to her belly to get to dry land. then behind her out of the thicket where she came from is a shooter 8pt. he followed her walking in belly deep water. I tried to find an opening to shoot thru but too many limbs and branches both in my tree stand and on the ground. 1st sit in this tree stand in the swamp. I was saving it for the rut. I went out Sun. morning no deer just my tree stand swaying back and forth. I did trim some branches in my tree behind me. it should get interesting this week end. Good Luck to all.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Dover, Ohio, Tuscarawas County
    About 8:00 this morning I tried making a difficult shot on a beast of a 10 point. I made these shot's in the past but this one was no dice. The buck barely even spooked. I almost was able to get a second shot. I rattled and grunted him in. In hindsight I probably should have waited for a better shot but you just don't know. I thought he might have been leaving since he didn't see any other bucks. I did get down and look for my arrow and blood just in case but found neither. Gonna sit a little longer then be back out in the evening. After I got back up in my stand I looked around thinking maybe I could spot my arrow. The sun was shining bright and I saw a glint of light. I thought that looks like the nock of my arrow. Sure enough it was. The shot I tried making on that buck was between 6 trees. I have made these shots before and I felt confident I had enough room here. The buck was quartering away, looking away from me, vitals exposed, and I had plenty of time to concentrate and make a good shot. Problem was I didn't clear the first tree. The arrow was stuck about a 1/2 inch in on the right side of the tree. If I only slightly moved right he would have been a dead deer. Good thing is he didn't spook at all. This buck was a solid 150"-160" inch rack. It was the first I have seen him. No pics of him either.
    Last edited by ManOfTheFall; 10-27-2014 at 10:24 AM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Dover, Ohio, Tuscarawas County
    Did you all get out this weekend? Thought I might be seeing some bucks fall. I need to hear stories of what is all going on out there in the deer woods. I will not be able to get out the early part of the week but if my pain level continues to improve maybe in the latter part of the week I may be able to get out. I am going stir crazy sitting at home while the rut is on. Good luck to everyone!!!!

  6. #6
    Senior Member zachc's Avatar
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    Saw a small buck, 2 does, and somehow barely missed a BIG 8-10 last night...with my car! Saw them all ony way home from work last night. The big buck ran out in front of me about a mile down the road from the house, not sure how I missed him but there couldn't have been more than a few inches between us. Bout to head to the woods here shortly to make something happen...
    I live life at full draw....

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Dover, Ohio, Tuscarawas County
    Good luck Zach. Looking forward to hear a story and see some pics.

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