I think a lot of it depends on the deer herd in the area itself.. I have several farms I hunt and my style/tactics in the early season are different at each. At my Gpas in Nelsonville Ohio, I only put new minerals/corn down about once every two weeks, and will ONLY go in between 1-3pm, so I'm least likely to spook any deer. However, a farm I hunt closer to home near Parkersburg WV, I go AT LEAST once every 96 hours or 3rd to 4th day.. I will jump deer away from my mineral site at lets say 6:05 pm.. at 6:08 I will be seen dumping the lucky buck and corn, and then at 6:19 that same 8 point and two does are back in eating the corn within 10 minutes of me leaving.. I will upload trail cam pics later as proof.. This area is extremely thick, and I personally feel (could be way off) the deer just feel safe enough to step out into the opening where the corn is, feed, and slip back into the thick woods.. Problem is.. all my "shooters" and bucks scoring 125-145 are up in ohio.. I have 3 eights on cam at my farm in WV and the biggest is maybe 115 inches lol... that may play into it also.. regardless, I truly feel the deer have crown accustomed to my scent in me being in the area, and ran just far enough to be hid until I leave, and will return almost immediately to continue to feed..