OK so I've been reading up a lot about scent control here lately. I've always been cautious about controlling my scent when it comes to deer hunting but I know I could control it a lot more. A quick rundown on how I usually do it is: wash all of my clothes and gear (that can be washed) in fresh earth laundry soap, store it all in my bag/tote with fresh earth scent wafers, and spray down each time with fresh earth cover scent. I have had a lot of success doing it this way but have also been busted a fair share, so I'm thinking about switching things up this year and maybe trying a new tactic. A lot of what I'm reading talks about using baking soda for pretty much everything, does anyone else use baking soda for scent control? If so how? Also what I'm getting at is what do you guys use, a cover scent or try to go scent free (using scent elimination)?