I have 108 acres to hunt. Call it 70/30 crops to woods with a pond and a creek running through it. It's 2 1/2 hour drive to get to it so I'm jealous hearing from all you guys who walk out and hunt for a few hours during season.

I used to have a family member that lived 30 minutes from the farm so I could always stay there for a weekend when I found time to hunt. That house is now gone and I'd be forced to stay on the property if it was more than a day trip.

So my question as the title implies, could I camp in the corner of the woods and walk to my stand on the other side without spooking everything in there. I thought about leaving the tent up for the season but I'm not sure if it would last without being able to keep an eye on it. Hard without pictures I know but imagine an 80 acre square of crop land with a 28 acre woods attached to one end.
