So I have trail cams out, and when I put down acorn / beet crush, I have 2-3 bucks coming in regularly. Even a nice 8pt. I first saw last year. My set up is at the bottom of a big ridge between another property ( at top of ridge) and water ( which is behind me and further downhill). It seems that when I put out some crush they show up within hours... when it's gone - so are they, minus a rare appearance. They obviously smell it and come to it, which means they are in the area. Would a mineral lick be a better option? Would it last longer than the 2-3 day I get with crushed acorns and beet? My goal is influence the big 8 to come by regularly. This is the same location I had my stand last year and took a buck and a doe. Saw many others funneling down this same ridge in front of this stand. Any advice would be helpful - keep stand there try minerals? Move to another area? Start some mock scrapes/rubs? looking to influence these deer to continue to come through this spot...