yeah you for sure learn as you go in this food plot game, I know I sure did
all the mroe so when it came to chemicals and ways to save $$ along the way

to me the idea small acreage tractor is about 50 hp and 4x4
can run and pull most things needed and have power to sprare
sad part is, since Hunters started doing food plots , it drove the prices of used tractors in the rage WAY up
funny, back in the 90's tractors like this, were cheap cheap by standards, as all the main farners were up grading to the big stuff and bailing on the smaller things
then food plotting took off and its been crazy on prices of equipment ever since
just look at the atv plot tools
yrs back when tractor went to 3 point hitch designs on almost everything, all them old pull behind tools were junk laying about farms
now they got hunetrs paying top dollar for them LOL

but best of luck to you on setting up the new farm
sure you'll do just fine, sounds likk you have the right idea's to me!