yes they do say that, and its normally the oppisite side as to the injury the rack gets funky on
say breaksa right leg, left side of antlers gets funny

I have seen a bunch of bucks where I hunted alot, get shot, and such, and never have any racks grow funky?
BUT I have always had a few bucks every yrs that grew messed up racks, and were just very young 1.5 yr olds, so maybe it can be passed on thru genes too!
most bucks in my old hunting area, never lived long, to see them a few yrs later what they MIGHT have been/
only time will tell
he doesn't seem to have any BIG injuries that jump out , just looks like he's gone a few rounds on both the winning and loosing sides! LOL
in the vid, was he limping at all or???
if so, maybe a betetr chance of a non typ rack then ?

I personally think the antler deal, happens more when they break a bone , or a BIG trama
and then some how that transfers growth into the antlers, just my opinion!