Well I have been hunting a long time, and hunted in many places, and know a ton of hunters all over
so I tend to have a good insight on hunting and mind sets of many sides to base experiences on any more
QDM has been a god sent to having better bucks all over, but unless a person owns a lot of land, or is working close with neighbors, its hard to even grow big bucks in many places
places like Ohio, and any of the top 5 B&C producing states, all have top quality soil, and as such, just knowing bigger bucks are about, saves a ton of smaller bucks
add in how many non residents pay top prices to travel to these places, where a fee can be added to shooting a small buck, and quality of deer in these states increases
as outfitters, need to maintain sized deer, thus do btter land improvments, and work better with heighboring lands, making even better quality of deer
states that don't draw hunters based on quality of bucks, loose a lot of these gains, furthering the smaller bucks in these area's/states
add in how many game depts, sat on there ass's for decades, thinking deer would just take care of them selves?? And the ball grows
states with huge ag areas/farms, had that going for them, where as more wooded states lacked the high quality offering again
falls back to soil in my eyes, and builds off it