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Thread: Tough Year. Still Managed Some Luck and Success

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  1. #1
    I like the way you think mrbb. Agree 100%

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Brickerville (Lititz), PA
    Well MRBB maybe the direction PA is going may chance since we are getting a new head for the PGC this year.

    The low deer numbers in some areas are the hunters fault as well as the PGC since they manager the number of doe tags handed out and with that control to some degree the number of deer that are killed. Like I said they made changes to make the first week of rifle buck only and that alone has significantly helped the deer herd and we are seeing more deer now and a better quality of deer than we ever have. Now granted you have to take that with a grain of salt because we used to see insane amounts of deer but the quality wasnt there. I think we are getting right around the sweet spot at least around my cabin. A few more years and it will be fantastic. I am seeing better and better bucks but I do not complain about wanting bigger bucks then shoot the first one that walks by.

    Any on that complains that they want bigger bucks and shoots the first one that walks by has there head up there rear if they think that is possible. We shall see the direction the PGC goes with a new head but where I hunt is big woods and the old gray beards love the antler restrictions because it was rare to see anything more than a spike now we are seeing big six/eight points so they are starting to believe as well. I have no complaints about the antler restrictions as they were the best thing the state has done.

    Attitudes are changing towards letting the little ones go but you will always have the person that shoots the first one that walks by. I agree with alot of what you said. I think the key was if you are complaining about lack of big bucks and shoot the first small one that walks by you have no right to complain. I believe we are much more on the same page than I originally though.
    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

  3. #3
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    yes I agree, things have been changing, slightly for the better, but I have to think alot has to do with, many old timers are just not hunting anymore, and the new generation of hunters, seem to have more self control on what they will shoot
    its very hard to change old time belief's, passed down from generation to generation
    that's where I think we are screwed on poaching issue's and people using a tag twice or a family memebers tag, its a lot of learned behavior I fear
    Last edited by mrbb; 01-15-2014 at 06:21 PM.

  4. #4
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    Poaching and trespassing will always be an issue along with some peoples greed and need to cheat to get bragging rights.

    We are losing lots of old timers but on the same hand most of the hunters I see these days are the older generation grey beards guys in their 50's and 60's. Thats who the majority of the hunters I see out these days. Not many young people in the 12-25 or 25-40 age group. So we will have a very sharp decline in PA hunters in the next say 20 years as the generation of grey beards that taught me to hunt give it up due to age, health or lack of desire.

    Don't get me wrong we have some young guys hunting but its not nearly the numbers of hunter recruitment that we used to have. Maybe that is a good thing for the deer herd. But I have to be positive there has been a slight recovery in deer numbers at my cabin because the first week of rifle is buck only. That allows many more deer to survive the first week and then when doe season does come in, there isnt nearly the pressure. So it works out well in my mind. Plus the habitat is there to support more deer than are there at least for now.
    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

  5. #5
    Senior Member Griz's Avatar
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    I've been following this thread with interest. Everyone posting has made some very good points on why some states don't have very many larger bucks. As most of you know, I'm from NH, with the same problem. Not many animals make it to the 3.5 yr old or older ages. IMO the one's that are most responsible are the dnr's/fish & game departments. As all of you PA hunters have stated, since the antler restriction law has been in effect, things are getting better. And I believe will continue. If you look at the states that have good trophy numbers, there laws and restrictions are what makes the difference. Yes, you have to have the habitat, soil, and climate too. If you don't have the restrictions, the guys/gals who kill legal animals that are young and small have every right too. I have a hard time knocking some of them. I do believe as you evolve as a hunter, that your goals should change to letting the inmature animals walk. But as we know some people will always have the attitude, if its brown its down. Thats why I think the laws are the key. But the wardens have to inforce the laws to make it work. As mrbb has said before, some wardens just don't do there job. Another reason why I put the major blame on the departments. My state is some what like WV, I can kill three bucks in a season. (Just plain stupid!) Look at Ohio, one buck, no matter what weapon. Thats one reason Ohio is such a good place to hunt. The reason departments don't change the rules, is simple. They don't care about the animal, they only care about how much money comes in from liecence sales. Hopefuly discussions like this will make the new hunter (after a few knotches in there belt) gain self control, and raise there goals a little higher. As far as the hunter that actualy needs the meat to feed the family, do what you have to as longs as its legal.

    PSEhunter, Your one of those young guys who has already understood what it takes to have mature animals around. At your age, if you keep having the success your having, the trophy room will get very large. I'm betting you have a good mentor.
    Last edited by Griz; 01-16-2014 at 10:22 AM.
    what goes around, comes around. (I sure do hope so)!!

  6. #6
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    Griz I agree you bring up some very valid points.

    My experience is mostly about PA and when the antler restrictions went into effect lots of people complained. Some still do but the fact is we are seeing more and larger bucks period. Even if someone is shooting an small immature six point it is still much larger than what we were seeing say 10 years ago when a six point was a rarity. Continuing with that we are seeing larger bucks and some 130"+ class deer. Now that aren't that common but we see a couple of "big bucks" each year maybe not quite 130 inches but much much better than in the past.

    My biggest gripe with the PA Game Commission was the herd reduction program only because it went too far now granted herd reduction was needed and there is no argument there but we went from seeing lots of deer say 30+ in a day in rifle season to seeing 1-2 in the entirety of archery and rifle season. So when I say things are recoving up at my camp that means some days I see nothing but sometimes I see 1 a day and sometimes as many as 12 in a day. Not all are even in range for bow but at least I am seeing deer.

    Granted my long stay for archery up there was 4 days in mid November.

    Day 1 - I saw one shooter buck
    Day 2 - I saw 12 does
    Day 3 - I saw 1 doe (in my freezer)
    Day 4 - I saw 6 or 7 does

    Rifle season I was only able to hunt one day up there and we did lots of drives in the afternoon and I saw exactly zero deer between posting and driving. So all in all i was only skunked once on public land at my camp. Seems to be improving up there and this year should help as well since the does dont get much pressure in rifle like they used to. I hunted quite a bit more around home and at my gun club with my wife and we saw deer on just about each occasion. So like I said its getting better and we are seeing more deer. Everything is relative though. If you were used to seeing 30+ this hunting really stinks but after years of seeing 1-2 an entire season, I can work with what we have now. I do shoot does for meat and I am starting to buck hunt for a buck that was bigger than the last one but I haven't gotten any that many would consider "big" they are real trophies for me.
    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Griz, I enjoy the compliment. I was blessed to be introduced to the outdoors at a young age by my grandpa and dad. By taking many squirell, doe, and a few small bucks at a younger age, I was able to and mature enough to learn to let deer walk by 8th grade, the age at which most kids (my friends back then) were bragging about the 4 point they shot.

    All- I have really enjoyed the insight, opinions, and information from everyone. One other tidbit I may add. Is that as far as herd numbers and legal deer kills, as stated WV allows 3 bucks, and i BELIEVE 10 deer total!?! if you play your cards right and buy/use tags in correct times. While I do not know how I would quite feel about an actual antler restriction in WV (although it would help), I would just like to see them change the law to only being allowed to kill one buck during rifle season. I honestly think the quality of bucks would slowly start to improve if this was implemented. Again, guys who can kill the first 4-6 point they see Monday morning, can go back out Tuesday morning and shoot the second buck they see, a 5 point... Although this clearly wouldnt fix or change all problems, but anything is a start. WV, did make a move this year, by going in the direction of other states that two deer can be killed in one day, but not two bucks. Thus, people must take a doe between killing bucks. That is the case regardless of whether you kill a doe the same day. While I give WV game wardens/dnr some respect for implementing that, I dont see any progress to be made there. Somebody who wants to kill 2 bucks in 2 days, could simpy have someone who wants meat kill a doe and check it in themselves as their doe kill, thus allowing them to shoot a second buck the following day, like all prior years. My point, I do not feel WV implementing the rule a doe must be killed between buck kills, was a good solution. Although it may be a start, I personally feel simply reducing the legal buck kill from 3 to 2, or especially being only allowed ONE RIFLE buck, would help. Feel free to give insight or critique.
    Last edited by PSEhunter; 01-16-2014 at 11:56 AM.

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