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Thread: my 2013 trespassing deer kill story!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    well Big Holla
    the hunter if you can call him that, doesn't ever hunt on land he owns or has permission to, the l;and he is always on, is land owned by a non resident of PA, and doesn't care to help me try to stop folks from trespassing on his or my lands, been down that road many a time with him trying, even offering him a few bucks to allow me to throw folks out on his side

    so this hunter is always hunting private property he doesn't have rights to be on
    and as for this game warden, well, sadly every warden I ever delt with in PA has been like this
    Nomad, can even tell some stories on hios side of teh state too, sems like a state practice to do as little as needed, unless theer , just out to harass you in game lands parking lots, which I have seen so many times and been part of too!
    they like easy money and spending time in opne spot I think, not so big on helping if they have to be called, from my experience

    a few yrs back, and I posted it here, a sick fox was trying to bite my handi cap father in a wheel chair , every time he went outside, it would go after him, and they were watching my sisters little kids at the time, aso if the kids went outside, the fox went after them
    they called the game dept, was old a officer would call them back,. mean time they called me, I live 60+ miles away
    I drove up there to help
    3 yrs go by, still no call back from the game dept(and I shoudl add the local warden lives about 3 miles from my parents)
    I called again, asking when they would show up, as the dam fox was sick and still in the yard
    I even asked if I could shoot it, and was told NO if I did they would charge me with an illegal kill
    a few more hrs went by, still no call, back
    and was told again, oficer would call me soon
    mean time I got pissed and called a the local cops, as I knew many of them, ,. to maybe see if they could just come and shoot it
    as what it it wanders away, after all it was a wild animal, and for sure was sick
    they told me straight out they couldn't, as if they did the game dept would fine them too!
    got to love how they work together LOL
    so I called the game dept again, it was now about 6 hrs into this, and asked again if I could shoot it, since there warden seemed to be not responding, and I didn't want this thing to get away and maybe bite a neighbors kid or person
    I was told doing so would again result in a fine, but they would contact the local warden again, and stress he call me ASAP
    an hr went by, real spedy they are
    and he finially told me to shoot it
    BUT I had to hold it there for him to collect and have tested
    it was in the freaking 90's that day hpt as hell, I shot it, left it lay right where it died
    within an hr it was covered with fly's and what nots and already starting to stink
    just lovely!
    2 hrs goes by, I call warden again, asking where the hell he is, I don't have all day to be waiting on him
    and he said, why you waiting on me???
    Like WTF, all day I been waiting on him to call, or any one from the game dept to show up, then after hrs and several calls, after speaking with him, and being told to shoot it, and wait there for him to come
    and he says why am I waiting on him??
    would have loved to strangle him at that point
    so I say how about coming and taking this sick dead critter
    he says, well, I don't have time, just do with it what you want??
    and hung up
    I called him back and said what the ehll do you mean, you said it needed to be tested , due to acting like it did
    and all he said was just throw it in the trash
    I can tell you several other stories of my game dept and there all like this, piss poor help on there part
    and I can also tell you, once they get there eye's on you, they will make your hunting and life in general a miserable as they can
    and like Nomad said, here in PA, they have powers above even the state police
    a pure shame, all that power and do so little good with it !
    and I will say on record, most of the officers don't know there own rules
    I shoudl know, when I sold there lic' they had me in court 3 yrs in a row, claiming I didn't follow there rules, last time, 100+ charges
    and guess what, according to the judge, I was found not guilty of all charges every time, due to they didn't read there own rules??
    all the proof I needed and need to see what and how they run there business
    a pure shame1 and a sore note with me, due to I know how well this state could be if they stepped it up and just did there jobs!

  2. #2
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    mrbb when I hunted PA with Ohio plates on my truck I had a bulls-eye on my back. Just about every time I walked out of the woods the freaking warden was waiting there to check my info. This was in several different hunting spots within a 10-15 mile area over several years. I guess he saw out of state plates and just wanted to find me doing something wrong. Since I moved back to PA I havnt been checked recently. I guess the in state plates buy me quick once over instead of a stake out to wait till I come out of the woods. Guess they dont have anything better to do then wait by one truck on the side of the road in archery season for several hours.

    Now if I know they are there I will intentionally stay in the woods until they leave its not worth the hassle. One time the guy had me tied up for close to 2 hours with questions on the last day of archery season at lunch time. Bye the time he was done I didnt have enough time to get lunch and get back in the woods... Thanks for respecting my hunting experience and the hundreds of miles I drove to hunt....
    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

  3. #3
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    Nomad, I had one well actually ended up beng 3 wardens, hiding in the weds witing for me to come out of the woods, in archery season, on private lands too, parked over 1/2 mile from anyroad, thru 2 gates
    first one hid in teh tall grass, and it was dark by the time I climbed down from my stand and made the 20 minute walk to the truck, about a 100 yrds from the truck I seen something move, lots of bears in the area, had me thinking, as it was low to the ground, , I kept walking, and when I got closer I seen it stand up and move, at this point I knew it wasn't a bear but a person??
    so I yelled out who was there and no answer came
    got closer and again yelled out, still no answer
    as I got to about 10 yrds of the truck, this person jumped up and started running at me shinning a flash light in my eye;s
    at that point I held my bow over my head planning to use it as a club, and started charging the SOB's
    once he realized I was about to beat the hell out of him with my bow, this person turned and started running away from me, was like a cartoon, he was running around my truck and I was chasing him with my bow raised, and then he started yelling game warden g Game warden, game warden, at that point I was still pissed and didn't care, who this SOB was trying to charge me, and now running for dear life from me
    when a truck come a flying up the dirt private road I was on(went to my friends house, he live 1/2 mile off a public road, hiw whole driveway was posted and again had gates to keep folks out)
    they came a flying up the road like the dukes of hazzard, blue light a he was lucky he was faster than me or I might have killed him, as hell I didn't klnow who or what he was up to, doing what he did, I mean crap, I called out to him twice and he refued to answer me, and then when he charged me blinding me with his light, game on in my book
    so they held me there asking to see my lic, and all that crap, I was 100 % legal, as I always am, I take pride in being and doing things right!
    then they all gathered aboput and tried to tell me it was against the law to be in the woods with a weapon past legal shooting hrs
    I had to explain to them that , that was incorect, and it wasn't easy, they wee trying to fine me for being in the woods after dark

    I said how the heck can I be in my tree till shooting hrs end, and then be out of woods at same time??
    what do I have to quit hunting 30 minutes before last legal light so I can be at my truck by then??
    or hopw about this, you saying that the almost 1 million hunters that go into the woods opening day of rifle season in the dark are all breaking the law??
    they finally said, OK we will just give you a verbal warning about this
    I said Bullcrap, fine me, and we'll go to court if you think your right and I am wrong
    they then said, OK we will just forget this happened then
    I again still pissed said, you are dead wrong, read your rule book, and what the hell, in PA, I can legally hunt coyotes at night, so how does that play into your so called illegal to be in the wood after sun set???
    no answer
    at this poiny I asked them what the hell they were doing on private property, why the hell did the first guy open and l;eave all the gates open?? as they were closed when I came in as I closed them and since I could see from my stand, no trucks came up that drive way all day
    dummy walking in opened them and left them open??
    and why the hell they bothering me in the first place
    they refused to answer, and just got in there truck and left!
    another priceless experience with my game dept, up holding my opinion of them as being useless , well they do like to waste honest people's time it seems!

  4. #4
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    mrbb seem like everyone has a story about them and none are positive. They forgot that respect is something earned not a given because you have a shiny badge, uniform, citation book and and a .45 on your hip.
    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

  5. #5
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    I agree 100 %
    if they worked closer with private property owners and the general public
    they'd have a lot more support
    they need to stop looking at hunters in my opinon like we did something wrong and trying to de code it
    and just working with us to make things better
    good relationships would do wonders in this state
    hope some day it gets better, but sadly see no changes in sight, but maybe worse one's
    I also think its why so many farms and private lands that used to be open to the public closed
    lack of working together
    I know a lot of farmers, and the horror stories I hear from them about lack of help on crop damage and all the hoops there expected to jump thru , inorder to get anything done is a crime, not not sad to me
    30 yrs ago, more farms were working with hunters than not
    how things changed in a short persiod of time to me
    This state should really look into allowing game wardens to issue trespassing fines
    the amount of cash inflow the first few yrs would be HUGE, and could; do wonders for our wildlife
    and I can say for sure, a lot of land owners would really appreciate the help, making good relationships
    all the powers they have,. and they cannot seem to do that, like 90% of other states game dept's do/have, makes me laugh!

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