well not to bust your bubble, but I have about 10-12 of them drippers, wally world blows them out after season for about 5 bucks a pack, scebt DVD and all LOL
over the past 10 yrs or so, I think, I have had them, I have done post with my results with them, running trail cam's over them for 3+ yrs, have tried every scnet I can think of/buy from doe in heat active scrape, to apple cider juice, you name it I tried it as again I have a bunch of them to play with
first off, I tend to wash mine in baking soda out of the pack, and then hang outside a few weeks prior to use(hell some I leave out where I hunt all yr, just bring home to wash after the season and leave then Clean then inside bottle outside same spot all yr to try to prevent any scents it might pick up when time comes to use)
I place them over scrapes that seem to be in same spots yr after yr, and some in new spots hoping to attract deer
my experience with them has been this, over active scrapes where I am getting lots of buck pictures, every time I added a scent dripper to that spot, I got a LOT less pictures of bucks, and more pic's of does, no matter what scent I ever used?
I have again tried this for many yrs
maybe the added scent, bucks can scent check from farther away and don't need to walk up to the scrape, [past my camaer?? cannot say for sure, but I stop getting buck pic's as I was getting before I added the scent dripper/scent to it that is, dripper was there all the while!

so as for advice?
all I can say is there just things that work either way, to help or hurt your set ups
I don't hunt over them due to my results, or even really close to them
but I have so many, I still play with them, LOL