My experience over the years with mock scrapes has taught me they are definitely not a guarantee. I use them more for fun in hopes that a good one will take them over as their own. If they do and I can get a few pics then I have gotten more out of it than I expected. The biggest thing is finding an overhanging branch where it suits your set-up. If there isn't one then I would seriously consider cutting an oak branch from another tree and lash it in position. Needs to be around shoulder high and if you are using a dripper I think that needs to be hanging above the branch so they cannot get to it. The ground under the branch MUST be clear of sticks, vines and debris other than simple leaves. Once you have it set up then use a branch or rake to clear away the leaf litter, making the scrape visually attractive. Figure it will get filled in with leaves fast this time of year so make it at least 3 ft. in diameter. Take a piss in the scrape yourself, has always worked for me.