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Thread: 2013/2014 Daily Hunting Report, Deer Activity, Season Information & Rut Report HERE!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    northeast PA
    well again just an evening sit, got on stand at about 5 pm, in the 70's steady winds with some gusts , had the first deer show up at about 505pm, didn't even sit down and a doe and small button buck came out about 10 ft from the base of my tree, they came a running from swamp to food plot at 100MPH LOL
    then about 6 pm a small 6 pointer came out again almost at the base of my tree
    then, at about 6;20 , had a Huge group of doe, 16 in all, and just one yearlying?? all the rest were all full size does,?? makes me wonder how many my coyotes and bear ate??

    then at last light had 3 small bucks show up, 2 small 4 pointers and one spike with just one side on, either broke other side off or never had it??

    overall a lot of deer but no bucks really, or big ones
    no Sunday hunting so have to wait till Monday!

  2. #2
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    northeast PA
    evening sit
    was HOT today upper 70's and slight breeze if any
    got on stabnd about 5 pm, thinking deer movement wouldn't be much till almost dark, and was right
    did see a bear a small one, maybe 150 lbs at 5;20, running for dear lfe out of the corn field, must have been a bigger one in there that kicked him off what ever he was eating, poor little guy! ran about 150 yerds before I lost sight of him, and again, it was HOT out, so sure he was a huffing and a puffing when he stopped to?? HAHA!

    first deer showed up at like 6:15 pm, a small 3 pointer followed by a second 3 pointer, a fork horn one side and a broken spike on other, thus 3, and thena nice 2.5 yr old 8 pointer maybe like 60 inches LOL
    they fed in the bean between 20 abd 15 yrds from me till dark
    at about 6:30 I had a doe and fawn show up, then at 6;30 had another broken rack, nt non typial 8, that broke his non typical side off just out of velver, so now a 6 pointer LOl
    then had8 more doe and a small 4 pointers show between 6;30 and dark, most were all in under 20 yrds while entering the field, so guess I picked the right corner to sit in, but nothing worth getting excited about
    all in all a nice sit, wish it was colder, but till next time!

  3. #3
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    northeast PA
    10/15/13 evening hunt
    70's warm very sunny, slight winds at times, woods were very quiet, lots of geese flyning south over head today
    on stand at 4:30 pm, first deer showed up at 6 pm, a small 6 pointer, came out right under my ladderstand I was in, and stood at the base looking over the food plot for 10 minutes and din't move a muscle , winds, the little there was was blowing from me to it, but think it was over its head if any scent
    he then proceeded to feed till dark about 15 yrds from mem, till just at last light a doe and 2 yearlying showed up and he ran over to meet them, then a small spike showed up and ran to them all, so 5 deer in all, slowest sit this yr!
    slow evening more or less, still too warm I think, and the big bright moon now, isn't helping I think, making them come out later and later
    Oh well, try again tomorrow, maybe Saturday will try a morning!

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