well best advice is to practice practice practice, the more the better, and watch your form, repeat it as close as you can all the time

as for baiting?? I personally don't enjoy hunting over it, and I have read way too many times that big bucks tend to get smart fast about it, and learn to visit it at night
that being said, I think best way to hunt over bait is to hunt down stream of it, hunt where deer have to walk past to get to it a 100 yrds or so
hunting over bait gets you busted leaving or getting in a stand, and deer get smart fast ,making them harder to kill then
I agree feeding all yrs is best, teaches deer its a safer place to eat
but again, more deer about bait. more eys to bust you drawing a bow.moving or??
and we all know the youngest and doe show up first
again a reason to stay back from it in my eye's
good luck