well, that is very odd for corn to not be eaten up on you
are there any other critters eating the corn, do you have a trail cam over the corn??
as if noting is eating the corn, it might be BAD corn
next I used to hunt north of Athens(10+ yrs) and I do know a lot of Amish live and hunt them areas, and they been known to kill a few deer out of season and a bunch in season
if it was me, I would be contacting my local game warden, could be some sort of illness killing local herd of deer, or some sevcere poaching going on
corn will 99.9% of the time attract animals in a few days, and most deer will at least check it out
going from average numbers/pic's to Zero, is very odd, and would have me alarmed too!
different food sources can change patterens as well as people wandering about, but if it was people you would be getting pic's of them on cam
could you maybe have a bad camera??
they do go bad, in summer's heat the one's that work off heat, can maybe not trigger if too warm out?

but deer that used to luive and wander your lands should still do so ubnless a major reason to stay off
call your warden and ask? maybe he know's something??
Good luck and let us know