The big question is, how long do I hold out for a buck I have never actually seen??? Yes, he is in my area, but not that often. I've spent two seasons waiting for an opportunity with zero encounters with him.

But, lets think about this seasons preperations. I moved my main stand, and lowered it to ground level, almost three months ago to what I believe the best spot to possibly intercept him. I built the barricade four months ago to force him to walk no more than 25 yards from my stand if he shows in this area. I've gave him his favorite minerals 19 yards in front of my stand since last February. I've made him four trails like the spokes of a wheel to get to my mineral site.

I plan to be shooting targets at various distances this coming weekend out of my stand. And if need be, do a little tweaking on the angle my stand faces.

I guess to answer my own question, at least a little longer. I feel I've put myself in the best situation I can for an opportunity this season. Now if I can get Mr. Murphy to stay away and Lady Luck to shine on me all will be just fine.