I'm going all out in food plots this year. I have about 40 acres tillable on my farm which I rent to a local farmer. I have him do the majority of my planting in exchange for him getting to farm the rest. I had him plant 6 acres of corn for me last year but the field didn't amount to much because the deer grazed it off before it even had a chance to grow. This year after he planted the 6 acre field in corn I put an electric fence around it. I couldn't believe the results. I never thought 2 fences 30" high would keep deer out but it did! We received some good rain this year and the corn looks really good.

The farmer had 12 acres of winter wheat planted which he recently took off and I'm having him plant that field in clover and radishes as cover crop for the winter. I also am planting about 2 acres in buck forage oats. I had excellent success with the bfo last year. Also this year I planted 26 Realtree Dunstan Chestnuts from Walmart. They've grown about 2 feet since I planted them.

Foodplots and habitat improvements is a lot of work, time and money but is rewarding. My neighboring farmers are all brown and down hunters so I try to give the deer everything they could want on my property.