well if its mowed to almost lawn like, that will make planting it very easy
and will a food plot help, if you have lots of corn beans about you, YES
all food plots help
think of it like this, if you plant a fall plot of say turnips, Brassicia, Rape
, well this stuff pulls deer like crazy, all the more so when a few frosts gets to it, turns them sweet
and your deer have been eating beans and corn for weks
its a new food source, maybe closer to cover water for them, if you ate the same thing for weeks, you will be glad to have a new food source
second, corn and beans will be harvested come late oct mid nov in most places , then what, where do your deer go, having a standing plot of Good food after harvest of crops is a major draw to your property
NOW if you decided to plant something like clover, or chicory, well, again, it is a new food source, one that actually makes better protien than corn and beans
it will not be a huge draw after heavy frosts, well the clover will not for sure as it will pucker up, the chicory will hold its own , BUT it will re grow come spring time, LONG before a farmer plants anything
thus giving your deer a jump on food and protien in spring time, making a healthier herd /hevier weight gains come spring, which can maybe lead to bigger racks come fall
deer are what they eat to a point!
having a food plot on your property makes your property more attractive to wildlife in general
will it be a 100% all gains
well NO
having a food plot is like having an open feeder, deer learn if pressured, to visit it in safest hours, as the food is there for eating 24/7
BUT it will draw deer as long as its there
meaning come fall rut, doe's will hit a food plot , bucks will follow, and rape/turnips/brassicia, is a better food source come winter time too, provides deer with better intake than just corn , making surviving winter easier on them, and again, making deer come into spring with a better heads up
so yes, I believe a food plot is always a plus for a property

I have 50+ acres of corn and 5 + acres or so of beans right now, and I am still planting fall food plots
and I expect to kill my buck in a fall food plot, or hope to anyways LOl