HAHAHA, well I hate to see folks get mad at each other here, but I like the action of some of the debates like this here, they at least help keep the site going
and to be honest, so far this has been a tame one
and I honestly don't mind if folks come on and plug what ever
as ong as its hunting related
Not saying that bad advice should be rewarded, but saying, any action hunting related is still I feel good for the site, and I am not saying I welcome the jerks out there to come on and bloat crap on here either! just stating, without dumb questions and opinions, there would never be better one's MAYBE!!
and we all have our opnions on what works and what doesn't, and How to's! more than one way to skin a rabbit Folks!
as well as we all were once dummys about something, and maybe believed or learned something wrong
many times these debates in MY opinion, cover a lot more subject/'s and dig up facts, over just reply's from people, many might jJUST assume are right!
hey, I am no expert/pro
and I have been wrong, even with all my yrs of experience and what not's

I say everyone just needs to remember, what ever is on a forum,is just LETTERS and WORDS< they do not physcally hurt you, so no point in getting feathers ruffled
just let what you don't like at what ever point , just go in one ear and out the other
the world is full of idiots anymore
so , just call it practice to filter them out if need be, think how much better of you will be when your face to face with one in real life!! , having so much practice with them also on forums! LOL