well I never have any down time, as I plan hunts all yr, from running trail cam's to building maintaining food plots, planning more food plots for fall, picking stand sites,trimming lanes, replacing posted signs, putting out mineral licks/corn piles to get better idea on what is about!
Google earth has been a HUGE friend to me over the yrs, spent maybe way too many hrs looking over places
it was always a major tool in planning out of state hunts
from yrs back when I hunted 2 to 5 states a yr, never can say I had any down time waiting on deer season to get close
and to be honest, every yr it seems like come a week or two before season, it seems like I am way behind, yet I know when it is every yr LOL
always seem to get last minute idea's or just put some things off for too long
say every yr, will be different, but never has been so far!

do you know where you are going to be hunting in ohio??
I know of a few places that have handi cap ramp cabins for rent in SE. ohio, near public lands
be glad to share if you like! just PM , me

so again, what to do before season?? seems like your on a good track
awlays best to try to plan ahead if you can! good luck