there not clear cutting my hunting area, but are takinga ton of tree's out, due to it wasn't timbered in over a 100 yrs, and that old timber alone, is a big reason I have so little browse as it shaded the ground too much to allow any smaller trees to be there
thus when they timber now, even just taking trees of 18'' plus out, it will leave very little cover
and like I said, with an out of control deer population in my area
even slective timbering, browse doesn't come back in 2 yrs,
as I said before, I have a 50+ acre section down the road from me, they selective cut/cut like here
and its been almost 10 yrs and cover/browse is just stsrting to get think, due to so many deer eating in there as it grew back
its crazy how much a deer herd can mow down when there is too many deer in an area!
average adult will eat like 10-12 lbs a day, get 50-75 deer in an area, and that's a ton of browse to munch on every day!
I am hoping like I said I can get the timber guys to stack tops in rows and squares to help protect spots and help them thicken up faster
my next big problem is going to be the fact I get so heavy border hunting here, and its illegal to hunt my borders, as its posted NO HUNTING< but the owner lives 3 hrs away, and doesn't enforce it!
so once I loose a lot of my cover/tree's I feel most deer will be staying off the place in shooting light more, or closer to evenings, giving the cheaters here better odds!
but what can you do?
in a few yrs I hope the plce is too thich for trespassers to come onto it on me, and well, deer start to stay on property, as most don't live on it due to so little cover as is
timbering will be a good thing, but will take time to get good!