One thing is certain Stan, he is elusive. I think the main issue is that he only passes through my place on occasion. I'm sure his core area is not to far away, but not having access to neighboring properties makes it impossible to really learn his secrets.

I've made major changes in my game plan for this season. No cameras near my stands. I'll still run a couple of cams but not near my main hunting area. No scrape dripper to mess with this season either. I think all these gimmicks have taught me things, now I need to put that knowledge to work. I've moved my main stand to the area that I believe will give me the best opportunity to cross paths with the more mature deer on my property. I made the barricade to try to steer the deer within my comfortable shooting distance. I feel I've put myself in as good a position as I can, now if Lady Luck wins out over Mr. Murphy I'll be in good shape.