I had plenty of good bucks visit my scrape dripper last season, including both bucks that I had hoped to get a crack at. I just feel that I have spent to much time spreading scent and disturbing my hunting area experimenting with gimmicks. I've given thought to running a line on a pulley system from my stand to a sapling in my area and run a scent wick out this line while on stand during the rut. But, then again, there I go again with the gimmicks. I'm thinking the older bucks I'd like to take will be best hunted with the least disturbances.

I've tried mock scrapes before BH and they do work. But, for this season I think I want to try the less disturbance is better game.

My stepson already asked about hunting the early muzzleloader season with his ML. I told him flat out that wasn't happening. Once guns go off in my area the deer turn almost exclusively nocturnal. Only having about seven huntable acres on my ten acres is challenging enough when they move during the daylight.