well you sure did a bunch this yr to chagne things, I hope that all works out for the best
and I already told you my experiences with scent drippers, last yr ran a cam over one again for 3+ months, and all my buck sightings at that spot dropped once I added the dripper
and I have tried all the scents and even apple juice and you name it in them for several yrs
I won't say they cannot work, just don't do me any good at my place
I do believe that I have way too many yearlying and 2 yr olds, maybe if I had more older aged deer, it would be different
I firmly believe it takes a deer a few yrs to learn what , smells, mean what
sure they know somthing is up, but for any real results, you need age structure for 4+ yr olds to get all them scents working right more times than not!
do you have any place you can do a food plot? even if its close to the house, but adding a fall plot can maybe help get him to visit more often
I know if I didn't have food plots I wouldn't have any luck at all
as few if any deer live on where I hunt, only reason they come is due to what I plant for them, and I don't hunt the bordering lands, so I feel your pains on that part
need to win that dam Powerball, and buy a big enough place to hold and grow deer LOL