well this is a hard one for me, as I grew up hunting public lands, hunted nothing but them for over 15 yrs or more, and over the past 25+ yrs still hunt them, and in a lot of states too
so I will just list one that comes to mind
one archery hunt yrs back here in PA, my home state, I had 17 different bucks walk past me in the first couple hrs of daylight, followed by a couple bears recall a mother and 3 cubs, maybe 50 lb cubs so small, and just played all the while they were in sight!, and then I had a few coyotes show up, even decided to shoot one and missed a shot at the base of my tree, took hair off its back, all day long I had deer and just critters walking past my stand almost non stop the whole day
Didn't kill a thing, but to me that was just a great day in the woods and was on public lands too!, early 90's
that one I still remember pretty clear, as days like that don't happn often, no matter public or private I think!

one other day I recall real well, on public lands, was up in Canada on a deer hunt in Alberta, and had a huge cougar come into view, seen him from over a 1,000 yards off, and got to watch him walk towards me, came to about 60 yrds or so, took about an hr, watched him climb a tree, and then lay in the snow for a while, trying to catch some sun shine!, just cool
I have always been impressed with big cats, just think there cool creatures, how they can move and blend in, and the fact they have kick ass if need be
didn't kill a deer that day either, but didn't care, seeing that cougar made the whole trip a worth while adventure to me
so there's 2 from me look forward to read these as well