well don't know exact time, but yrs back I parked my truk, walked about 50 yrds and had a deer in my sights, at the hit it ran towards my truck, and die about 25 yrds from it on the roadside.
so it was shot, tagged/gutted and in the truck in about 20 minutes
But I think I can tel of one that beat this
I took a friend and his girlfriend out hunting once, we drove her to a ladderstand, and gave her a radio, told her to call us if she got anything, we were still driving across the field when she was on the radio saying she got one, we thought she was kidding, turned around , don't think we were more than 200 yrds away at the time!
and she had one lying less than 25 yrds from her when we got there!
another time when you could drive the truck right to it too, no dragging at all!
never forget that one, it was her first deer to, she was busting our ass about how easy hunting is and why we cannot kill one with all the hrs we spend each yr trying!
she went the next 2 or 3 yrs killing a bigger buck than we did too!
talk about getting busted on !, but that all came to an end after we stopped setting her up and made her start to pick and find her own stand sites
then she said hunting wasn't that easy as the first few yrs! LOL
But to be honest I am glad it doesn't happen that fast all the time, don't think it would be any challange to it if so, but ITS sure nice to have happen once in a awhile , I'll say that for sure!, all the better if it happens before it gets super cold!