Man that would suck Bowhunter57, I know what you mean about gettin back to normal and getting on with life, I went back to work last week and though it was nice to get back into a somewhat "normal" routine it has been hell on my right hip, by the end of the week I was draggin, the way I look at it is I will give up acouple of months to get back to normal for the remainder of my life.

Hortontoter, I am already happy that I had the replacement done, I no longer have pain in my left hip and am almost back to normal with it, the right hip on the other hand is another story, the Dr. said he was not surprised when I told him that it was now bothering me because it is as bad as the left one was, so I figure why wait , get it done now so I can get back to my "normal" self, if there is such a thing. As far as getting them both done like your relatives did their knees I really don't know about that but alot of the recovery is your own attitude, so if your upbeat about it thats half the battle, I'm glad they both had good results, modern medicine is amazing!