Well all is good observations. Gives me a little insight. Holla this is location about 50 maybe 60 yards from that stream. After reviewing now, yes they do look like they are from different times (maybe 3 time frames). My thoughts are no one purposely poisoned these deer. In the pic of stream, I said the land behind me was huntable......I meant it is not huntable. That is the drs land behind me and he loves deer, he might even have them named. Then the farmers, not in them to do anything purposely. This entire block is a few miles distance around this block. The farmers outside of this block, the other side of the road let their buddies and myself if I wanted to hunt but like I said in earlier threads, there are only two or three small plots within this block who are allowed to hunt the small 5 to 10 acre plots. There is approximately ahhh 400 acres on the block. Where this valley is, right behind my friends house, the dead deer, 25 yards from his back yard line, if a poacher was dropping, it would not be there. He would have to come in from the back side which is a couple thousand yards or so. more so. Drop point, definitely ruled out. EHD I don't know. I am starting to believe that yotes are the cause. They are around there. One or two of these deer could have been wounded and this is a spot that the deer absolutely love and ran there. I have in the last 4 years I have stalked the valley and shot at 3 bedding monster bucks all well over 150 right at the very spot where these bones are. The beds are are thick here. I think I might learn the ins and outs of yote hunting and may go give it a try. I have found dead deer 500 yards off the road back in that the back quarter were being eaten and the deer gone the next day. 100% yote kills. Any experts on yote hunting?