A few seasons ago I had a doe with a badly broken leg that was just flopping around that i had tried to kill so she didn't have to suffer. I just never got the opportunity... then the next year she mothered twins and again the year after and that was the last year i saw her... A deers will to survive , their toughness, and ability to overcome injuries just blows my mind some times...
That Being Said... I would certainly give up a tag to put down a wounded animal if given the chance. I think it is not only the right thing to do It's our obligation as hunters. Lets face it, We truly care more about our deer heard and the critters running around our necks of the woods than even the PETA nuts, and especially more than the idiots wounding deer with a .22!!! so, for me, It's just the only thing to do when faced with opportunity...
It's unfortunate to hear that you have had to deal with this so often and reading the story of the buck you just killed with the .22 rounds in it made me furious! But, I salute you for doing the right thing! It's too bad you have to clean up the mess that other jerks in your area create by committing such unethical acts! It's those few Jerks that give us as Hunters a bad name and public image! Sad but, something I am afraid may never be completely resolved...