Sorry this is going to be a long winded answer, but this has been a major part of my hunting life and one of the major reasons why I am not out hunting this year. Has been slowly coming on over the the last several years. It used to be just later in the season when it got down in the upper teens lower 20's. Last year it was in Nov. and it was only down in the mid 40's or so, and the doe that I turned in for the team challenge was quite a challenge. At 17 yards she was looking right at me through the one blind window that I had open, could not get the bow back. She stood there and watched me try for seemed like a long time. I made the decision to slowly tuck myself in the back corner of the blind, (out of her sight line) and spend another several minutes trying with everything I had to get it drawn. I was surprised when I did and even more surprised when she was still standing there when I stepped back in front of the window. Even though that whole senario was more dramatic and challenging, it's not a good position to be in, needless to say, the buck I killed in Jan. was with the crossbow. I have turned down my bow from 62lbs to 52lbs over that period of time, supplement my diet with 60 more grams of protein and got into a weightlifting program. Nothing real serious or alot of weight, but it helped keep me somewhat in the game for a bit longer. I may have a few years on you, I don't know, but it's never too late to fight the weakening of the muscles that age brings on. Old age ain't for sissies.