I want to know what you guys think of an idea I have. I have thought about creating a funnel using field fence. Almost all of my deer enter my property from the neighboring property to my north. But there are quite a few trails that they enter from in about a 125 yard long area so picking the right one has been tough to do. I have thought of stringing fence along the north edge of my property for about 100 yards. But leaving a twenty yard or so opening in one spot for the deer to funnel through. A lot of scrapes show up in my woods on a line going north to south. I thought of leaving the fence opening in line with this rub/scrape line. I don't plan to hunt right at the fence opening, but about 50 to 60 yards south of it. Any chance the deer would make this fence opening their main travel route in this area? Or is this just a waste of my time and money?