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Thread: The One I have been waiting for!!!

  1. #1

    The One I have been waiting for!!!

    Hey guys need some advice here!!! Tonight, I was in my stand and at about 4p.m. had a six point come running in. he came over the creek and over the hill. At 5p.m. i had my 10 point come in. He came in on a couple doe grunts. He came in sniffing got into shooting range, i pulled back my bow was looking down the peep sight placing my shot and he took off. something spooked him. I dont believe i made a noise. but not sure. He ran about 20 yards then turned around looking. I called two more soft grunts and he really did not want anything to do with it. he went up the other side of the hill and i called a couple buck grunts and it sounded like he came back down the hill again but not in plain sight.
    My Question is if he was spooked out by me. How long do you think it will be before returns. If something else spooked him and he did not know I was there --How long do you think it may be??? Or does that Make a difference. Its been tearing me up all night I am going back out tommorow in hopes to see him again you never know. But would like some feedback

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I have had a buck spot me in the tree and return the next night it was the biggest buck I have shot. Only about 125" but still I think it matters on how pressured the area is he could be back tomorrow. Also my girlfriend and I got busted by a 10 pointer this year right at dark and then I had him back on the corn pile 30 min after we got ou of there so u never no

  3. #3
    Thats good to hear?? I am hoping I catch him again tomorrow. Like you said you never know.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Wayne county
    Good luck on getting him

  5. #5
    Senior Member archerymurray's Avatar
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    I spooked a nice one with the movement of my shadow this year on an afternoon hunt a ns killed him the very next morning out of the same stand walking the same trail opposite direction.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    You never know! I say get back out there and see! Good Luck!!
    Is there anything better than being in the woods?!

  7. #7
    Member PREDATOR's Avatar
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    I would say he spooked because he either heard something, or smelled something he didnt like. did you have some estrous scent out?
    Did he smell well you had walked in? Some people would disagree with me, but I have tried a lot of the estrous stuff over the years and many of them have spooked more deer than brought them in. Especially if a doe is with him. Just my observances over the years. I still use them occasionally with a drag rag, but only when I know the area I am hunting is on. As far as coming back I am sure he will. I have shot at deer, miss and come back a few minutes later.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    This year I actually missed one, he jumped the string when I shot and I grazed his back, just had some blood and hair. Then in the same area, probably 50 yds from the first tree, 7 days and about 2 hours later in the day than the first encounter there he was again at 40 yds but he never gave me an opportunity to shoot.

  9. #9
    I still have some of those white hangers that you spray the estrous hanging in the area. He actually walked right past one of them coming in. I have not put anything on those in a few days though. Would that spook him. If would have had two more seconds I would let the release go. Went back out Sunday night. I heard some snorting in the area but whatever it was never came in?? Really hoping I see him Tuesday night???

  10. #10
    I have to say I was in awe by the shear mass of his body. I can not stop replaying this in my head??? I will post more If i see him. Help me out guys, I really want this buck, and he will be my first bow kill. Any advice, anything at all. let me know.

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